Thought for today:
‘When all is said and done, more is said than done.’
— Lou Holtz
#thoughtfortoday #words #actions #motivation #psychotherapy #coaching #management #leadership
More thoughts emerging from the management training.
This is a theme I started yesterday.
I found (on Pinterest) a graphic titled Emotional Equations.
There is one I use a lot that is missing – Motivation = Desire x Commitment.
I have referred to this in a previous post and I use it a lot.
To understand the motivation of my managers and also the motivation of their team members.
To be motivated to do something there is always an element of desire (want, need, crave) and an element of commitment.
The things we do automatically may feel like this isn’t true – yet if you think about it, it is true.
It would follow on from this that demotivation is caused by a reduction in desire and/or commitment.
I often cite the example of January gym memberships.
Maintaining the desire and commitment, deliberately and consciously, will maintain the motivation.
So many times we say we will do something, and yet don’t.
We have the desire and not the commitment to making it happen.