Thought for today:
‘A single sunbeam is enough to drive away many shadows.’
— St. Francis of Assisi
#thoughtfortoday #solstice #summer #litha #greenman #midsummer #therapy
We approach midsummer – June 24th, to celebrate Litha.
Yesterday, here, was wet as wet can be in the evening. About as un-summery as weather can be, almost cold.
Yet I can feel the midsummer feeling.
One of my grandmothers was a white witch, a healer to her local folk.
A sunbeam to drive away the shadows in her community.
She taught me the uses of the countryside plants and where to see, smell and taste things.
She also taught me to see and feel the seasons, using older words and her “sight”.
It may seem like superstition but it is part of me too.
So I celebrate the midsummer as a symbolic turning point in the calendar and seasons.
It is only after writing this I realise that I am fulfilled when I am the sunbeam to other people’s shadows, just like my grandmother only using different skills. That made me smile.