Thought for today:
‘Sometimes life drops blessings in your lap without your lifting a finger. Serendipity, they call it.’
— Charlton Heston
#thoughtfortoday #serendipity #synergy #coincidence #luck #allowit #opportunity #spirituality #coaching
I have always believed that if you can “let go” and relax, good things will come to you.
This came from my Paternal Grandmother, the Universe provides.
It is no good expecting your lottery ticket to win because you asked the Universe for it.
By intentionally deciding on the things you truly want in life, you will be more attuned to the opportunity to pursue them.
It requires faith with a small ‘f’, a degree of spirituality, and an acceptance of whatever comes.
In the twenty-first century, this runs counter to the data-driven, process-oriented society we have become.
There is room for science, pseudo-science, and binary opinions.
There is no room for magic.
I’m keeping the door open, who’s with me?