Thought for today:
‘Without change, something sleeps inside us, and seldom awakens. The sleeper must awaken.’
— Frank Herbert
#thoughtfortoday #change #sleeps #awaken #thework #therapist #coach
I have had a number of clients “awaken” this year.
Awaken from a emotional sleep where they had learned to deny or suppress emotions they believed to be “bad”.
By accepting them, feeling them, and using them as a guide, their lives have changed for the better.
Whether their personal lives and relationships, or their business lives and fortunes, the changes have had a profound effect.
Emotions have no sense of good or bad, they are signs that we can learn to read – or cover up and deny.
I find this work the most rewarding.
I change people’s lives for the better, it is what I do and it is what I love.
And for those clients that have done this work, they describe a sense of enlightenment.
If this all sounds too wishy-washy for you, are you even slightly curious?
(Yes, this quote is from #Dune, the book)