Thought for today:
‘There are people, who the more you do for them, the less they will do for themselves.’
— Jane Austen
#thoughtfortoday #people #dependent #dependency #helping #take #leave
I am not quite sure why this Jane Austen quote came to mind today.
It is, I think, not related to my work. I help my clients do more for themselves, I am an agent of change, not the change itself.
It is probably connected to a conversation I had last year with a new manager, which I recounted this week.
He asked, “How do I stop my people asking me questions all the time?”
I suggested that if he stopped answering the questions, and asked ones of his own, they might find their own answers. A few weeks later he reported that they did.
This is not true for everyone, providing support and assistance is important work, so I take this quote to mean only that there are certain people who fit the bill.
Have you ever found this to be true?