Thought for today:
‘Nothing will work unless you do.’
— Maya Angelou
#thoughtfortoday #coins #quarters #MayaAngelou #nothingworks #recognition
For many people, the name Maya Angelou will be familiar, quite often from her many inspiring quotes.
She is on my mind this morning because I read in the paper and on BBC News that “The US Treasury has minted coins featuring poet Maya Angelou – the first black woman ever featured on the US 25-cent coin known as a quarter.”
It is one of several coins to celebrate pioneering women.
I must say that I have found Angelou’s impact on society inspirational, as I know many other people have, and this announcement has made me want to read her autobiography, “Why the Caged Bird Sings”.
I often find that her quotes have a deep resonance with situations my clients find themselves in. I have used her quotes six times since I started writing these daily posts – and now seven times! This quote fits with one of my Melanisms, “Nothing changes if nothing changes.”
If you only know here from internet images of inspirational quotes I highly recommend reading about her in a bit more depth – Wikipedia is a good place to start.
What’s your favourite Maya Angelou quotation?
(Image: Talbot Troy, This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license.)