Thought for today:
‘The question isn’t who is going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me.’
— Ayn Rand
#thoughtfortoday #permission #forgiveness #letme #stopme #dontstopmenow
This is how I am feeling this Monday morning – how about you?
Are you ready to make the week your own?
I have been head-down, focused on work for a couple of weeks and hadn’t noticed that some very good things were starting to happen.
Plans and opportunities, things I started last year really maturing and coming into their own.
I have started teaming with other people, rediscovering the joy of sharing with and learning from other people.
I have a growing client list and the big opportunity for me in the next 6 weeks is to move some of my training online, for self-paced learning and development. This has been on my to-do list since the holidays and now a client has expressed interest in exploring this further. Now it is time to make this happen.
My thought for today is that I am excited and Freddie is singing in my head – do you know the song?