Thought for today:
‘Innovation is the specific instrument of entrepreneurship. The act that endows resources with a new capacity to create wealth.’
— Peter Drucker
#thoughtfortoday #entrepreneur #entrepreneurial #code #kazakhstan #innovation
Did you know that the Republic of Kazakhstan has an Entrepreneur Code?
I have had to rely on an English translation, so some of the quotes below may appear unusual in their use of English, translation is not exact.
Here is what the preamble says:
“This Code defines the legal, economic and social conditions and guarantees that ensure the free enterprise in the Republic of Kazakhstan, regulates social relations arising from the interaction of business entities and the state, including government regulation and support for entrepreneurship.”
And what is an entrepreneur?
Well, there is a fairly long definition of entrepreneurship, which includes (in the English version) the word oralman. I had to look this word up. It means a re-immigrant to the country, and Wikipedia says it is specific to Kazakhstan.
Your right to be an entrepreneur in Kazakhstan:
“Everyone has the right to freedom of entrepreneurial activities, free use of own property for any legitimate entrepreneurial activities.”
Why am I reading another country’s Entrepreneur Code?
I was curious, from a conversation yesterday, whether there is a code of entrepreneurship more generally. Now I’ve found this one, I’m wondering if we should have one?
You can find the code on the website (or just Google it!)