Thought for today:
‘I need to celebrate life because I’m in a good spot, I work hard, and I am happy with who I am and happy with what I do for a living, and sometimes I just focus and overwhelm myself so much with the fights and getting better, that I just need to slow it down and enjoy life and enjoy training.’
— Dustin Poirier
#thoughtfortoday #overwhelm #todolist #slowdown #enjoylife #self #reducethelist
Dustin Poirier is an MMA – Mixed Martial Artist.
Our professions are quite different.
Yet this quote resonated with me today.
For a very long time, I have started my Monday mornings with a consideration of what I want to do in a week. I know some people loathe to-do lists – I don’t, it means I don’t have to remember stuff.
This week I have client sessions, no training (that is every other week), a visit to an art gallery and to see a friend and various “projects”.
Looking at the list I realised I sensed, for a moment, a brief moment of overwhelm.
Then I remembered that the person who put those things on the list can just as easily take them off. For some of them, there will be consequences. Maybe a project will be a week later.
The value to me, of reducing the list so that I feel I can balance work and life this week is immense.
Am I the only one?