Thought for today:
‘The more you know who you are, and what you want, the less you let things upset you.’
— Stephanie Perkins
#thoughtfortoday #know #self #happy #happiness #lettinggo #control
I often have conversations with clients about happiness.
Specifically, how you can be happy when so many things are “wrong”, or other people are doing “wrong” things.
Making ourselves unhappy about the people and events in our life is the norm.
It doesn’t help when someone says, “Let it go”, and even worse when they sing it.
Letting go of these things is not the same as forgiveness, another common trope.
We let go for ourselves, we forgive ourselves, and we choose to be happy about ourselves.
We do not control other people, only ourselves. I have spoken before of Ellen Langer’s “The Illusion of Control”.
Self-acceptance is the first step, accepting who and what we are.
Yes, people do things they shouldn’t – it happens all the time, all around us. When we look at ourselves, we probably do too.
When we accept this and decide how much we want it to affect us, we take control.
And we can choose to be happy – it is not happy with what other people do, it is happy with us.