Thought for today:
‘Don’t live the same year 75 times and call it a life.’
— Robin S Sharma
#thoughtfortoday #live #life #adventure #old #change #adapt #learn
When I was a teenager, I concluded that “old people” came in two types.
There was the dull, boring, unadventurous majority (I included my parents in this category – unfairly) and then there were the fun ones who I wanted to spend more time with not less.
If money changed hands, as it did with a lot of relatives, then this view might change temporarily, I was but a callow youth after all.
The ones I found fun to be with, like my grandmother and certain uncles, took an interest in my wild ideas and dreams, and would try new things themselves.
I want to be that kind of “old person” now.
And I am still surprised when I encounter so many people of my age who put shutters up against the world and won’t meet the world halfway, choosing to stick with what they know and spend a lot of time shaking their heads.
The quote I used at the start is one I have used a lot and it guides me still.
Life is an adventure; it has terrible bits and joyous bits, and you get it all in unexpected ways and timings. Bad things seem to come in threes and good things never last forever. In fact, when I first started mentoring, I used to say, “Nothing is ever as bad, or as good, as it seems.”
Now I want to take it as it comes and make my own adventures to explore and learn.
And call it a life.