Thought for today:

‘Ideas are like rabbits. You get a couple and learn how to handle them, and pretty soon you have a dozen.’

— John Steinbeck

#thoughtfortoday #writer #writing #ideas #rabbits #TheseAreNotMyBags

Day two of seven days of writing, yesterday went well and ended on 3,200 words.

To put this in context, the word count estimate for the book is 70-75,000.

I probably won’t finish in a week.

But I got those words down in about 4 hours, and spent some time on research (reading) and creating.

Today I’ll aim for a similar word count, and have to come up with about 30 names.

They need to be truly diverse, yet representative of the UK population.

So Russell T Skunkburger III isn’t viable for the book (sorry Russell).

Thankfully I found some good name generators online!

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