Thought for today: ‘Life is too ironic to fully understand. It takes sadness to know what happiness is. Noise to appreciate silence & absence to value presence.‘ — Abhysheq Shukla
Thought for today: ‘And if I asked you to name all the things that you love, how long would it take for you to name yourself?’ — Anon #thoughtfortoday #love
Thought for today: ‘The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it.’ — George Orwell #thoughtfortoday #truthtopower #keepspeakingthetruth
Thought for today: ‘The question is not what you look at, but what you see.’ — Henry David Thoreau #thoughtfortoday #lookingbutnotseeing
Thought for today: ‘If you trust in yourself. . .and believe in your dreams. . .and follow your star. . .you’ll still get beaten by people who spent their time
Thought for today: ‘And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our
Thought for today: ‘If you ask me what I came to do in this world, I, an artist, will answer you: I am here to live out loud.’ — Émile
Thought for today: “Some people regard discipline as a chore. For me, it is a kind of order that sets me free to fly.” — Julie Andrews #thoughtfortoday
Thought for today: “Hard work has made it easy. That is my secret. That is why I win.” — Nadia Comaneci #thoughtfortoday
Thought for today: “Before you heal someone, ask him if he’s willing to give up the things that made him sick.” — Hippocrates #thoughtfortoday